Welcome New Members!
/Valerie Rullman
Andrew Baird
Matthew Brunengo
Alexander Gordon
Marilee Janzen
James Faulkner
Sally Kohnstamm
Sam Lee
Mark & Laurie Carter-Piff
Lee Nusich & Karen Gunderson
Sarah & Richard Munro
Sheila & Scott Morrill
Valerie Rullman
Andrew Baird
Matthew Brunengo
Alexander Gordon
Marilee Janzen
James Faulkner
Sally Kohnstamm
Sam Lee
Mark & Laurie Carter-Piff
Lee Nusich & Karen Gunderson
Sarah & Richard Munro
Sheila & Scott Morrill
(Jan 2025)
Eli Ahern
Amy Chomowicz
Sean Herring
Jordan (Jojo) Kihn-Stang
Paul Leistner
Carol Mclatchie
Victor Richenstein
Keith Ronnholm
Conner Smith
Gerard Veley
Interested in geology news and casual conversation with other geology fans? Attend our Monthly Meetups!
Our monthly lectures and local field trips are open to all!
Want to come on in-depth overnight field trips led by professional geologists? Become a GSOC Member!
Questions about Geology? Ask in our Facebook Group!
Concerned about earthquake preparedness? Arrange for public speaking on Cascadia Earthquake Preparedness.
Portland State University Department of Geology, our gracious host since 1971, offers undergraduate and graduate programs in geology, as well as free auditing for seniors.
Interested in Gems and Minerals?
In the Bend area? Visit our sister club Central Oregon Geoscience Society!
Interested in fossils? Check out the North American Research Group.
GSOC • P.O. Box 80133 • Portland, OR 97280 • communications@gsoc.org