Board Meeting Notes: May 2017

President Rik Smoody called the meeting to order at the home of board member Marty Muncie. Board members present constituting quorum were: Rik Smoody, Sheila Alfsen, Dawn Juliano, Paul Edison-Lahm, Larry Purchase, Marty Muncie, and Bo Nonn. 

Also present were Dave Olcott and 187 antique dolls. The minutes from our May meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s report was approved. 


Friday night lectures 

Greeting committee: thanks to everyone who helped in welcoming new the Meetup attendees last night at Pizzicato and afterwards. The printed Meetup list is very helpful for this, so Larry will ask Wes to provide him with the list of Meetup attendees before the lecture. 

Upcoming speakers: after a two month break for July and August, Sheila has speakers lined up through the fall. 

Projector servicing: Dave estimates $300 for servicing and will proceed with servicing unless the cost is greater. 

Carol Hasenberg’s proposal for purchase of an Audio 2000s Dual Channel Wireless Portable PA System (link here.) was approved. The portable PA system can be used at our meetings or in the field. 

Snack committee: Marty is looking for more snack providers for the Friday night meetings. This is a great volunteering opportunity for new members. 

Field Trips 

Downtown Tours: Paul has two Downtown Building Stone Tours planned for June 24th (South Tour) and October 7th (North Tour). 

Eclipse/President’s Trip: We will be camping on private property in Mill City and exploring the Western Cascades, Friday to Monday (the eclipse is on August 21). There will be room for at least 12 cars, so trip will be capped at 48 people and car pooling will be required. Total price will be $80 and registration will be open as soon as possible. Porta potties have been ordered. Bring swim suits for river swimming. Rik will order sun goggles. Tentative plans for Saturday include focussing on hydrology and biology. Rik is looking for a geological expert and working on “Plan B” for Sunday to minimize use of roads. 

Johnson Creek Watershed Tour: Terry Tolan has been tremendously helpful in researching the trip, however given the lack of suitable outcrops, it’s unclear whether this can be wrestled into a field trip by September. Sheila and Paul will keep working on it with Terry and may need to branch out geographically beyond the watershed in the East metro area. 

Helicopter tour of Mt. St. Helens: Sheila reports that prospects for this trip are not looking good. 

Camp Hancock/John Day trip: Paul proposes a trip centered on a stay at Camp Hancock for 2018. 

GSOC Picnic: The picnic will be held at Doug and Janet’s farm on July 16 and will only be open to GSOC members. There will be no speaker. 

83rd Annual Banquet: 2018 Speaker: Rik has not had time to take action on this yet. Hammer: Larry will take it to Bart’s engraver. 


Communications Report: Paul ran a $20 Facebook event boost for June’s lecture and will run several $20 lecture event boosts in the Fall and report back on how successful the response is. Bo will look into putting up a GSOC poster in the PSU geology department. 

Bylaws: Janet’s proposal to change “Junior” member to “Student” was approved by the board. [Paul will recirculate the amended bylaws.] 

Membership Committee: Paul circulated a volunteer sign-up at the meeting and suggested that we need a better system for organizing volunteers. 

Member Database Committee (Paul/Janet/Rik/Peregrine): 

  • Rik will be working on the spreadsheet cleanup and will spearhead further action. 
  • Database software research: Paul has proposed MemberPlanet member management software at $300/year, but a consensus did not emerge for pursuing this further. 

The next board meeting will be on the President’s Field Trip, Sunday August 20, after dinner at Dennis Chamberlin’s. The October 14th board meeting will be at Marty’s. 

Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC Secretary Paul Edison-Lahm.