Mt. Hood field trip

Larry Purchase writes about our recent amazing GSOC Mt. Hood field trip "My thanks to all who contributed, especially..."

Janet for her firm Presidential direction: "No Matter What! Don't Cancel!"

Ellen for naming the flowers and appreciating the hydrology of the White River stream flow.

The Smoody Family for reconnoitering the area for years.

Julia Lanning for taking such great photos. Wrecking yard junk at the bottom of the Parkdale Lave Flow?

The park rangers for warmly welcoming us and giving us a wonderful tour of the Cloud Cap Inn.

Eric & Paul for organizing a last minute car load of participants.

Most of all to Bo! — for devoting so much time and energy in researching the geology and preparing such a concise, to the point, field trip guide.

Photos: Julia Lanning

Photos: Julia Lanning