1988 President Joline Alta Robustelli
/Joline, a native Oregonian, was born May 16, 1939, in Klamath Falls. She attended Altamont Elementary and Junior High School, and graduated from Klamath Union High School in 1957. She played clarinet in the KUHS band. Rainbow for Girls provided an additional interest during her teen years.
She accepted employment in June, 1957, with the Klamath County Public Welfare Commission. For nine years, she was the Commission secretary, taking minutes at the monthly Commission meetings, transcribing dictation, certifying applicants for food stamps, and other routine clerical work.
Klamath Falls was a small community and employment opportunities were limited. While working full time, she took evening continuing education classes at Kingsley Field and at Oregon Institute of Technology. She moved to Portland in September, 1966, to enroll full time at Portland State University. She received a BS in History from PSU in June, 1969.
She accepted a secretarial position in July, 1969, with Unigard Insurance Group. In March, 1970, she became a casualty-property claims adjuster. Assisting people during time of loss and extreme stress due to accident and injury was overwhelming, so she left Unigard in September, 1980.
Joline worked for temporary agencies for several months. In February, 1981, she was referred to Portland Development Commission. Following 4 1/2 years as a temporary employee, doing microfilming, she became a permanent employee in July, 1985. She was transferred to the new Computer Services/Records Management Department in January, 1988.
Joline has taken numerous business and professional courses and classes. The general property and casualty classes with Insurance Institute of America, followed by Law for the Claimsperson, lead to professional designations. In 1984, she received a Certified Professional Insurance Woman award, followed by Casualty Claim Law Associate and Casualty-Property Claim Law Associate designation.
She has been active in service organizations, including the American Council of Venture Clubs, affiliated with Soroptimist International, where she served as secretary to the Klamath Falls club from 1960-1962. This was followed by regional secretary, 1962-1964, and regional governor, 1964-1966. During this time three new Canadian Venture Clubs were chartered.
She was affiliated with the Oregon Casualty Adjusters Association from 1970-1980, and Insurance Women's Association of Portland from 1970-1977.
Other organizations include YWCA Tour Committee from 1977 to the present, planning and escorting tours; member Oregon Historical Society, 1980 to the present; World Affairs Council of Oregon, 1986 to the present; American Records Management Association, 1988; and Audubon Society, 1989.
Joline joined GSOC in September, 1980. She served on the hospitality committee, 1982-1983; treasurer, 1983-1985; assistant newsletter editor, 1985-1988; vice president and program chair, 1987-1988; and president, 1988-1989. In addition, she has presented several slide programs.
Joline has many outside interests and hobbies. She likes traveling, outdoor activities and hiking. Knitting, sewing, and needle work comprise additional interests.