1947 President Arthur Carhart Jones
/Arthur Carhart Jones was born in Oberlin, Ohio, on September 11, 1896, the son of Rev. Burton and Angie (Tallmon) Jones. He was educated in the public schools of Kansas, California, and Oregon. His B.A. degree he received at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, in 1921. From the University of Oregon Medical School he obtained his M.A. degree in 1925, and in 1926 his M.D. Dr. Jones is a member of Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, and Gamma Sigma.
1947 - DR. ARTHUR CARHART JONES (Charter Member)
As a physician and Surgeon Dr. Jones was associated with the Else-Dudman-Nelson Clinic from 1927 until 1931, and since that date has been in private practice, except for the time spent in military service. He was associate in Anatomy at the University of Oregon Medical School from 1934 to 1940, and has been director of Physical Medicine there since 1929. During World War II he was commissioned as major and stationed at Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco, and at Mitchell Convalescent Hospital at Campo, California. Doctor Jones is an authority and pioneer in work on physical medicine and rehabilitation, and is one of the founders and medical director of the Portland Rehabilitation Center.
Dr. Jones was married on September 18, 1924, to Doris W. Wolcott of Portland, Oregon. They have two children - a daughter, Ardis Carolyn, now Mrs. Donald R. McKay, and a son, Irving Wolcott Jones.
The Doctor is a member of the American Medical Association, the Portland Academy of Medicine, the American Congress of Physical Medicine, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Geological Society of the Oregon Country. He is a Mason and a Republican. Dr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Unitarian Church. Their home is at 3300 S.W. Heather Lane, Portland. (1950)
After the tragic mountaineering death of Donald -R. McKay, Ardis was married to David G. Hitchcock.
At a most beautiful wedding service at the First Presbyterian Church attended by 1200 of their friends, Dr. Freeda 0. Hartzfeld, Dean of Women at Lewis and Clark College, and Dr. Arthur C. Jones were married on October 1, 1965. Besides continuing their life-time individual interests, they have joined together in the state and national promotion of the Laubach Literacy program. Dr. Arthur is a member of the Board of Directors of the Laubach Literacy of Oregon, Inc., of which Dr. Freeda is president.
Dr. Arthur has been known to say that he considers this volunteer program that is carried out in the disadvantaged areas of the world as well as in the United States to be one of the most Christian action programs possible. -Doris Wolcott Jones, 1964.