1955 President William F. Clark
/William F. Clark was born in Battle Creek, Michigan, July 7, 1890. He was the first son of William and Mary Ferguson Clark. The family moved to Portland in 1899. Mr. Clark attended public schools in Portland. After completing high school, following Scotch custom, he was apprenticed to the pattern shop of the Willamette Iron and Steel Company. Since 1929 he has been associated with the Modern Pattern Works.
May 12, 1917 he married Catharine Theresa Parkinson of Portland, Oregon. They have a son and a daughter.
In 1948, Mr. Hollis Dole, instructor of the class in General Geology of the University of Oregon Extension, which Mr. Clark was attending, urged his students to avail themselves of the opportunities for study provided by the Geological Society of the Oregon Country. Mr. Clark joined the Society and has been an enthusiastic member ever since.
Mr. Clark is also a member of the Foundrymen's Society of America, Oregon Agate and Mineral Society, Oregon Color Slide Club and Oregon Marine Biological Society.