1939 President Arthur Maine Piper
/Arthur Maine Piper was born September 20, 1898, in Thomaston, Maine. He was graduated from Tufts College in l919, M.S. (metal); Idaho in 1920, M.S. (Geol.)1925.
He was employed as topographer by the Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1920-21; assistant geologist, 1921-22, and geologist 1922-26. In 1926 he was staff scientist with the Economist Survey Expedition, ex-Japanese mandated Islands, West Pacific. Civilian with U.S.A.; U.S.N., 1918.
Mr. Piper is a fellow of the Geological Society, a member of the Geophysics Union, the Society of Economic Geologists. He is a specialist in ground-water geology, stratigraphy, geomorphology, and Pleistocene deposits.
Mr. Piper was married in 1923 and has two children.